How to Curse Like a Spaniard

How to Curse Like a Spaniard

One of the things we love most about Spanish is its stunning variety of swearwords and insults. Here are our top ten, to fully equip you for dealing with cat-callers, pickpockets and anything else unpleasant that you might come across this week!

Me cago en la leche

Translation: I shit in the milk

Use when you're frustrated, e.g. when there's lots of tourists trying to get on the metro and by the time you've waited in the queue at the barrier you've missed the train.

Te voy a dar una galleta

Translation: I'm going to give you a cookie

It means I'm gonna hit you really hard. Use on las Ramblas when you catch someone trying to pickpocket you.

Hijo de las mil putas

Translation: Son of a thousand whores

You can shout this down las Ramblas at the thief who successfully managed to ease your new phone out of your back pocket without you noticing and is now dodging through the crowds.

No seas tan gilipollas

Translation: Don't be such a douchbag

Use when your friend tells you they're cancelling dinner plans to go on a Tinder date.

Tu puta madre en bicicleta

Translation: Your whore mother on a bicycle

It means no way. Use when your friend tries to persuade you to come on a double date with her Tinder match and his weird friend who only wears gym clothes.

Púdrete, puta

Translation: Rot yourself, whore

You know those guys who quietly mutter guapa as you pass? Say this back in a casual tone and watch their sleazy expressions change to ones of confusion and shock instead.

Es un cantamañanas

Translation: She's a morning singer

Used to describe someone who's a chancer, you can break this one out when your friend, who has finally persuaded you to go on the Tinder double date, cancels at the last minute.

No me toques los huevos

Translation: Don't touch my eggs

It means stop bothering me - to be used when you want someone to leave you alone.

Que te la pique un pollo

Translation: I hope a chicken pecks your penis

You can use this when someone skips in behind you on your metro ticket without paying for their own journey. Go buy your own T-10, cantamañana!

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